Monday, April 14, 2008

Day Of Rest...

Yesterday was a pretty relaxing day. My family left to go home on Saturday, but Dustin's family stayed until today. We all just hung out yesterday and relaxed. We went to the park and let the kids run around and play while the guys played catch. Elena Prodan, a good friend of ours, and her darling triplets came with us to the park. All of the kids had a good time burning some of their energy off. We had to break out the sunscreen though, cause it turned out to be pretty warm. I don't know about the rest of you... but I don't think I am ready for the HOT weather quite yet! Anyways, I got a few cute pictures I thought I would share.


Melissa said...

We got snow today. Hope that makes you feel better about the hot weather.

{Mo} said...

Stephanie, you take the best pictures! I wish I could get mine to turn out so good! Monica