I meant to do this for Father's Day, but since
we are still in the same week, I figure it is still all right. I could not let Father's Day pass by without expressing my gratitude to my husband, and best friend, Dustin. From the first day that we met, we have always been able to talk and be comfortable with eachother. Most people that know Dustin were a little bit surprised when they found out that he was getting married. Not because he is not a great guy, but because he is just so shy and reserved. I remember that I had not even met his mom and dad before we got engaged. I think when he told his mom that we were getting married, she didn't even believe him, because she had never even seen me before! That just proves how much he keeps things to himself, although I think he told his sister Shalise pretty much everything about me. :) There was an obvious, and pretty much immediate connection between Dustin and I. We have always enjoyed just talking to eachother. Sometimes we stay up half the night talking about everything. Dustin never does things the conventional way.... he does things strictly in his own way, and in his own time. I would call this little trait stubborness..... Let's just say that both Dustin and I have been blessed with more than our fair share of this "little trait". Because of this, I believe, we have really had to learn to compromise with eachother. I think over the years we have learned to not try and change eachother, but instead to love eachother for who we are. Dustin and I have been through many ups and downs in our marriage, we have had many happy times and a lot that weren't so happy.... but through it all I can say that he has remained constant and unwaivering, when I wanted to quit... he inspired me to keep going. He has his own way of showing it, but I can honestly say that I have never doubted his love for me. Always, when I least expect it, is when he will do something to prove that to me. Dustin is an extremely hard worker, and he is a perfectionist at everything that he does. There have been people say that his electrical panel's look like works of art. Dustin would do anything for anyone. He will go above and beyond for people. I have been so impressed by his compassion for people. There have been more times than I can count that he has done electrical for people for free, just to help them out, or given people in need money, or donated to charities... or numerous other things. He prefers to do these things un-noticed, kind of behind the scenes, but I want him to know that I do notice, and that he inspires me to be better.... everytime I see him do one of those things. I could go on and on about all of the other traits that I love and admire about my husband... but since, we do not have the time or room for me to do that... I will move on to his next greatest role, that of Father to our 3 children. I will never forget the first time Dustin told me that ever since Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped out of her bedroom several years ago, that he had not slept well. He was always worried that that was going to happen to one of our kids. He said that he would sleep much better if they were just all in our room with us. That just proved to me the deep love that he has for his kids. He is always joking and playing around with them, he is the one that makes them laugh. I think a lot of times he has much more patience than I do. Dustin and the kids have developed their little weekly rituals, such as, watching "Smack Down" every single Friday night. The kids now know every wrestler and character on that show, and their corresponding songs. I think it is really cute, because it is their daddy bonding time. I don't think that Dustin realizes the impact he has on these kids. Dillon has told me many times that he wants to be just like his dad when he grows up. Dustin would say to that, "No you don't, Dillon." but, I think he can take that as one of the greatest compliments you can receive. I so appreciate the sacrifice that Dustin makes everyday in order to provide for us. The reason that I am able to stay home with my kids is because of him...there are many women who are not as lucky as me. Thank you for everything Babe.... We love you!