Wednesday, July 9, 2008

She Does Hair....

I have been trying out new hair styles on the girls off of a blog called . I actually had my friend Kollen and my sister-in-law Shalise tell me about this site. I thought these two turned out so cute, I just had to take pics and share.


{Mo} said...

So Stinkin' Cute! This is my favorite website. I do the criscrosses on Carlie's hair, but just across the top since it's short. Somedays I wish I wouldn't have cut it and let it grow, but I really like it in the bob too? I can't immagine having more than one girls hair to do, I can't keep up with just my one!
Your trip looked fun and I'm thinking we may have to check out that motel?

Sabrina said...

HOW CUTE! I definitely need to check out that blog and learn to do girl hair since I will be having THREE girls....yikes. Can't bald be beautiful?!

Jon and Ashley said...

So fun! I loved those hair dos. It is nice to get ideas from other people. How in the world did you get your girls to sit still for so long?

Melissa said...

You do such a good job with their hair. What's your secret. I can't get Cosette to sit still long enough.

Another Blog... said...

Wow! where was this when I needed it 10 years ago! How cute are these styles!! Hope you guys are doing well!!
Ok, bare with me, I hope this isn't too much trouble for ya... We were wondering if you guys could possibly remove our last name from your blog and any other "mcdonald" name that might be on there only for the purposes of birthmom's that might be looking at our profile/blog. We just don't want too much info shown if we can help it. If you guys could do that for us, that would be GREAT!!