Friday, August 15, 2008

Kindergarten Graduation

Ashlynn graduated from Kindergarten on Friday,
August 8, 2008.

We are very proud of Ashlynn and are amazed at the progress she has made since the beginning of this year.

Ashlynn is excited for 1st grade, and thanks to her great teacher, Mrs. Keidel, she is more than prepared.

All of the kindergarten classes combined and performed a few songs for the parents. They were so cute and excited. Ashlynn was smiling the whole time. She has been singing and practicing those songs around the house for weeks now, so I think she was excited to finally perform them.

Ashlynn loves her friend Morgan. It has been fun for them to be in the same class at school and also at church.

Congratulations Ashy! Daddy and I sure do love you, and can't believe how fast you are growing up. You are so smart and will do great in 1st grade!


Buzybugs said...

Yeah Ash! GREAT WORK, we have heard how WONDERFUL of a student you are and that your teacher wants a clone of you. GREAT JOB! Were excited to hear of your new adventures in 1st grade.
WE LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH and want you to know that. Keep up the great work, your a great kid. luv you..

Anonymous said...

It makes me feel really sad that ashie had grown up so fast. She is such a smart girl and is so ready for 1st grade. 1st graade is one of the most important grades in your life because that is where you learn to read! Ash be sure to pay close attenion to what the teacher is saying so you can be good at reading as well as a good listener. We love you so much. Love NANA

Adrie said...

Good job Ashlynn! I can't believe you are gonna be in first grade! Your getting so big. Kaden starts kidergarten tomarrow! Time flies. We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Steph
Good to fianlly see you kids and you even if it is just in pictures. Good to see ya all and we wish you and your family the best. I really don't go into blogs much as I just don't have time. I made time today...It's Monday after all.
Jeannie K.