Monday, January 26, 2009

A Visit to Holden

On Saturday we decided to take a quick trip to Holden, UT to visit Dustin's Grandma Stevens. Her health has not been good at all, and Dustin wanted to see her. Although it was a VERY short trip, we had a great time visiting with everyone. Dustin's parents and all of his siblings were there. We also got to see a couple of aunts and uncles and cousins. Grandma Stevens is such a sweet lady. She is so full of humor, she is constantly making us all laugh by the funny little things she says. I am so glad that we had the opportunity to see her, and take some special pictures with her. I have learned that pictures with our grandparent's are priceless.


{Mo} said...

What great pictures! I wish we would have taken some, but it wasn't the best time right then :(

Melissa said...

You and Dustin are such a cute couple! Sometimes last minute, short trips are the best. Looks like you had fun with the girls. You need that every once in a while, don't you?