Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WARNING: Highly Addictive

So, thanks to my mother-in-law, and my sister-in-law, I am addicted to making these interchangeable, bead watch bands. When they were down here for Spring Break, I had them help me with an Enrichment night where we made them. These watches are so fun to make, and I now have to have one to match every shirt... ha, ha.. well, maybe not every shirt, but close. :) There have been a bunch of ladies in my ward who have caught the watch making fever also. We have fun getting together to make them and going on bead hunting adventures (aka. SWAP MEETS). Anyways, here are a few of my creations....


Melissa said...

How fun! You are so talented. I love these watches also. I might have to get the fever.

Julie said...

These are way too cute Steph!