Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How to make wheat bread!

Yesterday I went to my friend Erin Buck's house to learn how to make whole wheat bread. It was so fun and interesting. Lately I have been to several things that have got me really interested in getting my own wheat and learning how to use it. I really want to get a wheat grinder. There are so many things that you can make, and it is so much more healthy for you. Erin about died when she found out that I gave my BOSCH mixer to my mother-in-law. I just figures that I don't use the thing for years, and then as soon as I give it away, I find things that I could use it for. Such is life, I guess. Anyways, the bread turned out fabulous! Erin sent us home with a loaf and I was so excited that I told her I was going to take a picture of it and post it on my blog. She said she would be watching for it... so here it is. Beautiful! Thanks Erin!