Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Great Gall Bladder Adventure...


This was totally Dustin's idea to post this. I personally think it is sick and wrong. lol So, you can all blame him if you get grossed out.

This weekend Dustin decided to do a Gall Bladder cleanse. We have suspected for quite some time that he was having problems with Gall Stones. He started last week by not eating dairy, or meat, and by just getting himself cleaned out. Then on Saturday he started this regimen that he had to strictly follow. He couldn't eat anything after 2:00 on Saturday, and had to drink all these weird concoctions to try and get the stones to come out. So, this morning I got up because I heard him up moving around. I asked him if it worked, and sure enough it did. Not only did he tell me it worked, but he had the evidence to prove it! Yep, he saved them... and was trying to get me to take a gander at them. I was like, "Not only NO, but he_ _ NO!" Anyone who knows me, knows that I have what you call a weak stomach, and have been known to pass out at the sight of gross stuff. Well, then Ashlynn woke up and wouldn't you know, she just waltzed right over and wanted to examine the things. I swear, nothing phases that kid. Dillon on the other hand, was more like me, and stayed clear of them. That's my boy!

Dustin estimates that he passed close to 250 stones. Thankfully, he didn't save them all. He only saved a few of the best ones, oh, and he cleaned and sanitized them with alcohol before he took pictures!!! He says to let you all know that he is doing well in his recovery, and appreciates all your love and support during this rough time.......... LOL :) Oh, and I'm sure if any of you would like to go on the "Great Gall Bladder Adventure", he would be happy to share the how to's of it all.

I'm gagging as I post these pictures.


Buzybugs said...

I'm glad you had the guts to actually post them! Nothing like I had pictured in my mind... I hope he is feeling better now!

Tanalyn said...

That is disgusting!!!!!!I can't beleive he made you do that!!!

Sabrina said...

Awesome!!! They really are stones. VERY interesting, I've always wondered what gall and/or kidney stones looked like. Poor Dustin...ouch.

Greg & Mary said...

That really makes me wonder what mine looked like. I had to have my galbladder out in October cause it was full of stones!

The Kennedy Family said...

Ummm, where did those come out? LOL. I can't believe he passed so many! That is insane, yet oddly fascinating. I did actually want to go to med school at one time in my life, so I am not grossed out in the least!

Adrie said...

EEEWWW!!!! That was freakin gross!

Prodan Triplets said...

I do not know if I should say ouch or gross!! I am glad he is doing better ;)

Sydni Spencer said...

That is pretty nasty!