Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Breakfast With Santa

Last Saturday we had our ward Breakfast With Santa. The ward provided a wonderful breakfast. I don't think there was one breakfast food they didn't remember. There was a short program. Some of the adults in the ward did a hillarious version of "The Twelve Days Of Christmas". After breakfast was over, they had everyone sing to invite Santa in. Samantha was really excited to see Santa and wanted to go talk to him, but it was like pulling teeth to get Dillon and Ashlynn to. I think Dillon just thinks he is getting too old, and Ashlynn is scared of him. Ashlynn has been scared of Santa ever since she was born. Every picture I have ever had of her with Santa, she is bawling. I had to push her up there to get a picture. Amazingly, she is smiling though.


Rachel said...

Sounds like your ward is soooo different from mine! I wish I was in a ward with fun stuff going on like this. Ours had the usual stuffy Christmas evening party... not my thing with two little boys!!! We get stared at enough in sacrament mtg every sunday, I don't need it at a "party" too. lol.