Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Dustin's family came down here this year to celebrate Thanksgiving with us. It was nice because it was only a week in between seeing them, because of our trip to Utah. They came Wednesday night and were here until Sunday. We had a yummy Thanksgiving day meal, and that evening my friend Elena came over with her triplets. She brought us stuff to make Mexican hot chocolate with. It was fun to see them and get to visit for a while. After they left Gloria, Shalise, and I took off and went to see "Twilight". I had such a good time, it was fun to go out with just the three of us. I liked the movie, but I have to admit, I was expecting more from it. I guess the books are always better than the movies, and I think that is true with "Twilight".

On Friday we just kind of hung out and went to Wal-Mart. I didn't think there was anything that exciting, certainly nothing to go at 4:00 AM for. While most of us went to Wal-Mart, my brother-in-law Jeremy took Dillon, Ashlynn, and Danica to the park to play and ride scooters. The kids all love Jeremy, he is so good to play and do fun things with them. On Saturday, some of us went to the Swap Meet. Gloria and I enjoyed it, but the rest of them didn't so much. I just love to look around at stuff and find good deals, I probably could have spent a long time in there. Then that night we loaded up and went to the "Gift of Lights" at Sunset Park. It is a huge display of lights that you drive through. The kids and Trent especially loved doing this. Sunday everyone left, and the kids of course, cried and cried. It is always hard to say goodbye to family when we see them. We had a great time though, and are so glad that they all came.

I do not know what I was thinking, but I did not take any pictures of Thanksgiving! Don't ask me how that happened, because I usually take pictures of everything! I only managed to get a couple of the "Gift of Lights".


Buzybugs said...

Hotel Veenendaal was awesome! Thanks for letting us crash there for free.. Anyways, I wish I had felt better there but managed to have an awesome time regardless..